SST means "Stop Saying Thanks!" It's a group of players on A-FICS (the American Free Internet Chess Server). All members are quite fed up with their opponents saying the presumably polite "thanks for the game", " thank you", or just "thx" after finishing each game. Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying goodbye or 'see you later' after playing a series of games.
Main reasons for this are:
The club was started as a collection of player names in Alzuko's finger notes, but as we grew too big for that, I had to make this special web page.
Alzuko ARCEE BatDan ChessWolf DasherPrime EdCollins
HaraldBlauwtand |
IainC Iuri
JChan Karlitos Lappy Makkinje |
naughty Nephrite NoJoking noureev OJSimpson Peeko QBall ragaman |
sahib saxo scrotumor serialloser ShadowTail shmoo Silverlock sloot Stealthfighter TARANTULA UrbanL vek wedberg Yaggie ZGORL |
If you are an A-FICS player and you agree with what SST stands for, just send an A-FICS message to Alzuko, saying 'join sst', and you will be added to the members list at the next update. In order to promote our club, put something like "I'm a member of the StopSayingThanks club, finger Alzuko" in your finger notes.
Mail your comments on the SST ideology!
© Alzuko 1999-2003
Thanks to Edward Collins (lay-out)
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